Small and Mighty: Introducing the Akron 3444 Mercury Quick Attack Monitor

When it comes to fighting fires, every second counts. That’s why we’re excited to feature the new  Akron 3444 Mercury Quick Attack LE Monitor, the only portable ground monitor that meets NFPA 1964 and EN-15767-1 and can hit 10 degrees and up to 250 feet at 100 psi when paired with the new Mercury Adjustable Mercury Quick Attack Nozzle. Its lightweight for quick deployment, too, at just 15 pounds and can be easily stored after use with an integrated storage bag and strap. Carbide-tipped legs fold to reduce its width down to under 8 inches. This monitor is smaller than any other ground portable firefighting monitor on the market and extremely efficient at 500 GPM.

Fast Fire Protection

The Mercury Quick Attack LE sets a new standard in the market with an elevation range from a low of 10 degrees to a high of 50 degrees, letting you blast water low, hard, fast, and far for an instant mobile attack. Its handle is knurled for easy gripping. The monitor can rotate up to 20 degrees for unmanned use and is spring-loaded to set back to 30 degrees if left unmanned. Mounting brackets enable you to hold the monitor with an Akron Brass adjustable/selectable nozzle, Akron Brass fixed orifice nozzle, Akron Brass oscillating nozzle, or Akron Brass smooth bore deluge tip. Add an optional Mercury Flowguard to automatically reduce water flow if the monitor experiences excessive, potentially dangerous movement while flowing. When seconds count, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a monitor that offers quicker, more effective deployment.

Technical Specs

  • Elevation range of +10° to +50°
  • Low 6 psi friction loss at 500 GPM
  • Rotation +- 20°
  • Elevation 30° to 50° unmanned
  • Elevation as low as 10° when manned
  • Maximum operating pressure of 230 psi
Call us at 1-800-759-3473 to learn more or visit the manufacturer’s site at

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